Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tony Review's Stuff- Video Games- Dante's Inferno

So I recently played the new game Dante's Inferno, which spent alot of money on advertising, which was a poor decision, having released the game right around Bioshock 2 and Final Fantasy XIII (reviews coming when i get a bleeding job). But when you have some spare time, you might want to play it. Might.
The game's commercial (and namesake) would lead you to believe that the story would be deep, complex, and you would be thrusts into a world of beauty and madness. This is not what happens at all. What is included for a story is very quickly overpowered by the game's immense violence. Many people have called it a God of War clone, and I can sett where they are coming from, but as a gamer I have often thought to myself "i want to play something like this, but not this, so the occasional clone has always been welcome by me, as long as it can deliver the same gameplay and isn't terrible. The action is very similar and the story is tolerable (probably very enjoyable, if you haven't actually read the epic)
In the game, you play (surprise) Dante, who literally bashes open the gates of hell in order to seek his beloved, who lost her soul in history's most retarded wager. The major flaw of the storyline is that it becomes apparant very early on that you aren't sure you WANT to root for Dante, as brief looks into his life, and watching how he deals with every situation, well, Dante is sort of a dick. I found myself struggling to find a reason that he deserved to suceed, but I couldn't find one. The gameplay, however, will help you forget that, especially the boss battles.
The bosses are large, gruesome, and intense. While it uses a strategy i never truly cared for (having you hit buttons as they appear) to finish off each boss, I can't argue with the terribly entertaining and gratuitous results. while it is gruesome, gory, and damn near tasteless, it works, because of one reason: You are in hell. This is the one place where it is 100 percent tolerable to use begging human bodies as a ladder.
Will Dante's Inferno change the way we view video games forever? No. Will it keep you entertained after you beat all your copies of God of War? Probably. Will you see a giant pagan goddess pulling unborn children out of her tongue nipples and sending them to kill you? Definately. (This actually happens. There is also an achievement that's goal states: You Have Killed 20 Unborn Children take that as what you will.)

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