Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tony Reviews Stuff- Video Games- Silent HIll 5

First of all, allow me to apologize for the delay, my internet has recently taken to super villainy and will allow me access at time that can only be described as randomly generated by complex chaos theories (he is a super villain) That being said, on with the review!

Silent HIll 5: Homecoming, came out a while ago, many of us missed it due to... I'm not sure, so I'll do what I often do and blame it all on.... The Communist....yeah....that fits. So for those of you asking yourself (and more importantly, asking me?) " how is the game?" I'm here to tell you.

Silent Hill is a video game horror survival series based around the town of (you guessed it) silent hill, and the unfortunate people who seem to have not played the previous games, because they inevitably find themselves walking into this lakeside community/ hell on earth. The series is famous for 3 things A) Compelling story that involves the ego, super ego, and id of man. B) Stunning visuals and C) Making you paranoid that at any moment reality is going to drip away leaving you in a dark version of everthing familiar where the safest thing to do is hope you really need that coat hanger you picked up in a tool shed (mostly because it had no earthly business being there, but then again, neither did the eyeless child with mouths on its nipples.) Silent Hill 5 carries on this legacy.

The long time play value of this admittedly short game come in the frequent save spots, every time you encounter one you must decide what is stronger, your overwhelming desire to unravel a masterful story, or to stop, go grab your blanket (you will never trust teddy bears again) and cradle back and forth while eying the shadows suspiciously. If you think that only a wimp would be scared by a video game, I laugh at you and your soon empty bowels.

Silent Hill 5 carries this tradition with a few short changes. The most important being the monsters. Silent Hill decided that the monsters should A) be smarter and more cunning and B) each indivdual monster should have the potential to end your meaningless human existence. The only problem here is this: you are a soldier in silent hill 5, in three, you played a teenage girl, a teenage girl who dispatches giant door monsters much easier that a trained murder machine, Whether this speaks poorly of out nations troops or highly of our mall rats, I'm not sure, but it is unusual. the monsters do manage to be far more horrifying than ever before, which trust me, is impressive, but the small cinematic before being introduced to each new monster takes away the abject terror of some monstrous collection of muscle mass charging at you from the darkness.

The story suffers from the new focus on combat, but is still incredibly compelling, and opens up the possibility that you don't have to actually be in silent hill for your entire world to turn into a terrible terrible nightmare that you are forced to live in.

To have Tony review things (pretty much anything) simply let me know what you want reviewed!

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